
Police will investigate anyone who helps an offender flee, Hong Kong warns amid reports city is looking at prosecuting Danish politicians who aided wanted ex-lawmaker Ted Hui

  • Government is reportedly examining the possibility of extraditing Danish politicians Uffe Elbæk and Katarina Ammitzbøll
  • Security Bureau says anyone suspected of having committed a crime in organising, planning or aiding an abscondence faces investigation

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Ted Hui jumped bail and left for Denmark before heading to London last month. Photo: Dickson Lee

Police will investigate anyone, regardless of nationality, who helps an offender to abscond from Hong Kong, the government has warned, after it was reported the city was looking into prosecuting two Danish politicians who aided former opposition lawmaker Ted Hui Chi-fung as he fled to Europe.

According to Danish reports, the government was also examining the possibility of extraditing politicians Uffe Elbæk and Katarina Ammitzbøll, as they had helped Hui head to Denmark at the end of November. There is no extradition agreement between Hong Kong and Denmark.

The incident, which has already provoked a strong response from Beijing, could trigger a diplomatic row between Denmark and China.

Katarina Ammitzbøll. Photo: Facebook
Katarina Ammitzbøll. Photo: Facebook

The Security Bureau in Hong Kong did not confirm the report, saying only that Hui, who had been prosecuted for various criminal offences, had openly jumped court bail and absconded.

An offender who fabricated false reasons and lied to the court in an attempt to abscond added to the severity of his crime, the bureau added.
