Hong Kong foundation proposes subsidies for health screening and chronic disease consultation for low-income elderly
Our Hong Kong Foundation puts forward package of proposals to tackle increasing pressure on health services as population ages
All low-income people aged above 45 should be given a one-off HK$1,000 voucher for health screening to prevent chronic diseases and minimise future medical and social costs, a think tank has suggested.
The health voucher scheme, which is expected to cost around $580 million, is among a series of measures suggested by the Our Hong Kong Foundation to tackle a potential huge burden resulting from a rapidly ageing population.
An annual subsidy of HK$3,040 should also be given to low-income patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes so they can consult private doctors.
The proposal will cost the public at least HK$250 million a year just to cover hypertension, but the move will free up valuable public sector resources.