More than 100 Hong Kong primary school pupils and staff go down with food poisoning

More than 100 pupils and staff developed symptoms of food poisoning at a primary school in Tai Kok Tsui, the Centre for Health Protection reported last night.
The government is investigating a case of suspected food poisoning at Tai Kok Tsui Catholic Primary School after the institution reported that over 200 of its pupils and staff displayed gastroenteritis symptoms including diarrhoea, abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting after having lunch at the school on Wednesday. The symptoms appeared 42 hours after they had lunch.
A total of 114 people were found to be affected so far, according to the government. The centre identified 15 affected pupils on Thursday, and another 99, including two staff members, yesterday.
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The government has contacted 250 pupils and staff from the school.
Officials from the Centre for Health Protection and the Food and Environmental Hydiene Department visited the school yesterday. Investigations are continuing.
Hongkongers were urged to thoroughly cook food and patronise only reliable and licensed restaurants. Schools and institutions should also monitor carefully their food suppliers and keep hot food at a temperature above 60 degrees Celsius and cold food at four degrees or below, to ensure that it is safe for consumption.