Hong Kong bus firms decline to seek fare increases this year
Lower fuel costs cited by Kowloon Motor Bus and Long Wing Bus companies

Kowloon Motor Bus Company and Long Win Bus Company will not be applying to Hong Kong authorities for fare increases this year, their parent company announced on Thursday.
Transport International also said KMB would be offering 5 per cent off its exclusive routes, namely those not jointly run with other bus companies.
KMB’s discount is to be offered to passengers paying full adult fare with their Octopus smart cards. The special rate is expected to run for two months from May to June, and it will apply over and above existing interchange discounts, when passengers interchange between certain bus routes and MTR.
The decisions were made as Transport International also announced Thursday that KMB recorded a profit after taxation of HK$617.7 million last year – an increase of HK$129.5 million from 2015.