Obituary: Reverend Joyce Bennett, a pioneer in religion, education and politics in Hong Kong

"That people consider what a woman has to say about being a priest should be a matter of interest never ceases to amaze me," wrote Joyce Bennett in 1975's "How many male priests are asked 21/2 years after their ordination what this sacrament of ordination has meant to them?"
Bennett was in a unique position to comment. Four years earlier, in Hong Kong, she had become the first English woman ever ordained as a priest in the Anglican church. A pioneering educator, she would later serve for seven years as a lawmaker.
With her hearty laugh still lingering in the memories of many in Hong Kong, Bennett was described as a strong and caring woman, devoted to working with underprivileged people.
Susan Chan, who taught at St Catharine's School for Girls in Kwun Tong, of which Bennett was founder and principal, said she was a "very caring and loving" teacher, adding: "We were all seen as her children."
But Bennett was assertive and protective of her "children"; so much so, Chan said with a smile, that she would scare Education Bureau inspectors. "In her eyes, her teachers were the best and no one would dare challenge that."