Questions posed to Li Fei at yesterday's forum
Questions posed to Li Fei, deputy secretary general of the national legislature and chairman of the Basic Law Committee, at yesterday's forum

Why doesn't the central government trust that Hong Kong people have a "balance" in mind and that they will elect a person good for Hong Kong as chief executive? Why does the central government breach the trust and promise?
The central government is implementing democracy in Hong Kong 17 years after the handover, much faster than what Britain did in its 150 years of rule here ... Now Hong Kong can implement universal suffrage starting from 2017. How can it not trust Hong Kong people?
If the legislature vetoes the universal suffrage model, when will the reform process be started again?
If universal suffrage cannot be implemented, it will depend on the actual situation in Hong Kong in the future as Article 45(2) [of the Basic Law] specifies ... When people reach a consensus - in particular, when those who have a deviating view calm down and realise that they have delayed the democratic progress of Hong Kong and are willing to return to the right track and think within the Basic Law - we can go through the five-step procedure all over again.
Will the 38 subsectors under the four sectors of the Election Committee be carried over to the nominating committee? Will corporate voting still be allowed in the nominating stage?