Number of new HIV cases among young Hongkongers trebles within a decade
Call for better sex education as 'troubling' statistics show 20 to 29 age group made up almost 30pc of new cases last year

The number of new cases of HIV among young people in Hong Kong has more than trebled over the last decade, the Department of Health says.
The department’s latest statistics reveal that Hongkongers aged between 20 and 29 made up almost 30 per cent of last year’s new reported cases.
Concern groups describe the situation as “troubling” and called for a bigger focus on youth in the battle against Aids.
Sex is largely a taboo in Chinese society, as people tend to shun any overly open discussion. “Everyone doesn’t know quite what to do [to talk to young people about sex] and then hopes someone else will take the responsibility,” Aids Concern chief executive Andrew Chidgey said.
He pointed to inadequate sex education in schools.
“It is important to recognise that in Hong Kong, the general sexual health knowledge of the population is very limited,” Chidgey said.