Police called in after needle found in young Chinese girl’s heart
- After two heart surgeries to remove object, 11-year-old is fighting for her life
- Doctors mystified how 7cm needle entered her system, girl has no explanation
Police in northeastern China are investigating how a 7cm long needle ended up in the heart of a young girl.
Doctors were astonished to find the steel needle, with a hole at one end, inside the 11-year-old’s heart when she was admitted to hospital with chest pains.
According to online news portal Thepaper.cn, the girl called her parents last week to say she did not feel well. Doctors at Harbin Children’s Hospital, in Heilongjiang province, suspected myocarditis but blood tests ruled out this diagnosis. A CAT scan later identified the cause of the problem.
Treatment was complicated because the needle was moving with every heartbeat and the girl underwent two surgeries to remove the object. According to the report, she is now in intensive care where she is in an unstable condition.
The girl, who is a weightlifting student at a sports school in Yichun, also in Heilongjiang, told doctors she did not know how the needle got into her system.