Chinese government worker detained for attack that left doctor needing hospital treatment
- Paediatrician needed hospital treatment after being assaulted by man at hospital in Zhejiang province
- Police say man was suffering form of bipolar disorder but was still fit to be held criminally liable

A local government worker has been detained by police in eastern China for attacking a doctor.
The doctor, head of the paediatrics department in Wencheng county in Zhejiang province, needed hospital treatment for injuries to his face and hands after the incident, in which the man also smashed the hospital’s computers.
He was confirmed to be suffering from a form of bipolar disorder, but police decided he was fit to be held criminally liable for his actions and gave him 15 day’s administrative detention and fined him 300 yuan (US$43).
Police in Wencheng county in Zhejiang province said the 49-year-old, surnamed Zhu, had taken his daughter to hospital on Monday where she was diagnosed with enteritis and prescribed medication.
Zhu returned later that night asking for his daughter to be given an intravenous infusion, but was told he had to return the following morning because she needed to be given an allergy test that could not be performed at night.

Zhu left with his daughter, but became convinced he had not been told exactly how serious his daughter’s illness was and returned to the children’s ward.