
China must be better prepared for extreme weather and disasters, influential newspaper says

  • As agricultural losses mount due to extreme heat, floods, authorities must use advanced technology for warning systems, mitigation, Economic Daily says

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Farmers watering a field with newly planted corn amid an orange alert for heatwave in the drought-hit region of  Jinan, Shandong province last Thursday. China’s extreme weather is becoming more frequent, lending more urgency to disaster preparedness. Photo: Reuters
An influential financial newspaper in Beijing has warned that China must improve its disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities to counter the impact of more frequent extreme weather events on the country’s agricultural production.

“Meteorological disasters are the most important factor in reducing food production,” a commentary published by the state-owned Economic Daily said on Tuesday.

Over the past 10 years, China has lost an average of more than 30 million tonnes of grain per year because of extreme weather events, according to the commentary.


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“In the past two years, extreme weather has been more common, with frequent droughts and floods, and pests and diseases are becoming more severe, posing a severe situation for disaster prevention and reduction in agriculture,” the article said.
