Update | Voices from the Great Hall: what China’s movers and shakers are saying as the country’s biggest political festival plays out in Beijing

China’s annual parliamentary session is the media’s one chance every year to get up close to so many Chinese policymakers, influential businessmen and local government leaders all at the same time.
This year is no different.
Thousands of reporters have flocked to the Great Hall of the People in Beijing – where the annual “two sessions”, or “lianghui”, is being held – to approach the nation’s who’s who with their burning questions on the political scene, the economy, bilateral relations and so on.
READ MORE about China’s ‘Two Sessions’ 2016
The South China Morning Post’s team of reporters at the scene give you live updates on what China’s movers and shakers are saying at the country’s biggest political event of the year.
Li Daokui, former People’s Bank of China adviser, on China’s lowering of banks’ reserve requirement ratio