Wanted: low-cost drones, search and strike ability an asset. See PLA Air Force for details
Open contest featuring search, strike and reconnaissance categories aims to foster innovation and could lead winners to procurement deals

The People’s Liberation Army Air Force announced on its social media account that it will organise a competition platform for “extremely low-cost drones” in December to promote an “innovation-driven development strategy” while taking advantage of China’s industrial supply chains and its capacity to rapidly innovate.
The competition, to be held by Key Laboratory of Complex Aviation System Simulation and sponsored by the Air Force Equipment Department under the Equipment Development Department of the Central Military Commission, is intended to promote the “formation of new quality capabilities” in Chinese society, according to the post.
First, second and third prizes will be awarded to the top three competitors in each category, and those entries will be included in a procurement catalogue, from which the PLA Air Force could place orders.