Chinese bank signs debt suspension deals with 11 African countries
- Beijing says it will also waive interest-free loans due to mature by the end of 2020 for 15 African countries
- China has pushed for World Bank inclusion in DSSI but is meeting resistance from other World Bank/IMF members

China’s foreign ministry said other non-official creditors had also reached consensus on debt relief with some African countries regarding the DSSI.
However, China was “actively responding to African concerns in accordance with the consensus reached by Chinese and African leaders and the G20 DSSI”, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Monday.
Zhao said China would also waive interest-free loans due to mature by the end of 2020 for 15 African countries and would continue to push the international community, especially the G20, to further extend the duration of debt suspension.
China did not reveal which countries had benefited from Beijing’s debt relief or whose interest-free loans had been waived. But several countries, such as Zambia, Angola, Ethiopia, the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville), Djibouti, Mozambique and Kenya, are reportedly negotiating to have their Chinese loans restructured.