Why Xi Jinping drew on Greece’s ancient past to forge future ties with China
- The Chinese president played up the two countries’ long history to frame a modern economic relationship, observers say

In a letter published in Greek newspaper Kathimerini on Sunday, Xi highlighted parallels between China and Greece as “great ancient civilisations”.
“More than 2,000 years ago, the lights of ancient China and ancient Greece were reflected in the two sides of the Eurasian continent,” he said.
The appeal is part of a broader push to strengthen relationships with a country that has signed on to China’s Belt and Road Initiative and agreed to Chinese development of its major shipping port.
For China, Greece is a foothold in the EU, which earlier this year named China a “systemic rival”.
Xi continued the historical theme in talks on Monday with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis, saying that as “ancient civilisations” the countries should together “contribute to human progress”.