
PNG police, soldiers storm parliament over unpaid bonuses after Apec summit concludes

  • Some locals in PNG, the poorest member of Apec, had expressed anger with the government’s lavish expense for the summit

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Papua New Guinea police and soldiers outside the country’s parliament in Port Moresby. Photo: AFP

Papua New Guinea police and soldiers stormed the country’s parliament on Tuesday, assaulting staff, smashing windows and demanding unpaid Apec bonuses just days after the international summit wrapped up, police and witnesses said.


The impoverished Pacific nation had rolled out the red carpet for visiting world leaders during the two-day conference and bought 40 Maseratis to ferry the dignitaries around.

The officers headed to parliament in the capital Port Moresby to express their dissatisfaction following a meeting with the police commissioner and the police minister over the allowances, PNG MP Bryan Kramer said in a video posted on Facebook.

A group of policemen near the front of the country’s parliament. Photo: AFP
A group of policemen near the front of the country’s parliament. Photo: AFP

Kramer said “numerous staff of parliament were assaulted during this confrontation” before the group left the building and gathered outside demanding an answer from the government.


A Facebook video he posted of the scene showed smashed pot plants, photo frames knocked to the floor and broken glass and furniture.
