Vladimir Putin and Shinzo Abe hail cordial Japan-Russia relations
Perhaps it was a sign of just how far relations have improved between Japan and Russia. Vladimir Putin brought along his pet dog Yume for a reunion meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as both leaders greeted each other warmly and hailed the speed at which relations between their countries were improving - in contrast to Tokyo's strained ties with Beijing.

Perhaps it was a sign of just how far relations have improved between Japan and Russia. Vladimir Putin brought along his pet dog Yume for a reunion meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as both leaders greeted each other warmly and hailed the speed at which relations between their countries were improving - in contrast to Tokyo's strained ties with Beijing.

Putin stood outside with Yume, when a motorcade carrying the Japanese premier approached the presidential residence. But at first the dog appeared to defy her master's orders, pulling hard on her lead and snarling grumpily at the camera, before calming down.
Abe stroked Yume and said "good dog" in Russian.
"Yes, but she can bite sometimes," Putin replied.
The talks focused mainly on economic co-operation as Putin and Abe decided to leave a controversial territorial dispute over the Kuril islands to experts, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.