Which outfit looks best? AI set to give shoppers smart styling tips
Fashion retailers are making use of artificial intelligence to offer consumers a wider range of options and to provide personal styling suggestions

“Do I look fat in this?”
There it is, the question dreaded by many on the receiving end. But worry not: you can now defer to a higher authority – a machine.
AI (artificial intelligence) is reshaping the fashion industry, and in a crossover to retail, it’s set to change the shopping experience soon.
Hongkongers were privy to what this will mean in the fitting room when Alibaba Group – the owner of South China Morning Post – and US fashion brand Guess launched a pilot FashionAI concept shop at Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) in July. The initiative taps technologies ranging from machine learning to computer vision to “learn” from consumers, designers and fashion aficionados within the e-commerce ecosystem, which is also set up to spot fashion trends.

By making mix-and-match recommendations, the technology also removes those nagging decisions about how to style a look.