5 celebrities who went under the knife to lose weight: from Sharon and Kelly Osbourne to actress Gabourey Sidibe and Rosie O’Donnell, these women decided to change their lives with surgery

- Sharon Osbourne says she regretted having gastric band surgery and later reversed the operation, while daughter Kelly says it was the best thing she ever did
- Meanwhile, Precious and American Horror Story star Gabourey Sidibe underwent surgery after being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
First of all though, what exactly are the different surgical procedures available to those who want to lose weight? The first is laparoscopic bariatric surgery. This is where the top portion of the stomach is separated from the bottom to create a small pouch which restricts food intake. A part of the small intestine is then attached to the pouch, allowing food to bypass the lower stomach.
Another is the band. This is where a silicone band is placed around the upper part of the stomach to create a pouch which can holds small amounts of food. One last option is the sleeve: parts of the stomach are removed, resulting in the stomach being a “sleeve” around the size and shape of a banana.
So who had which type of surgery and what did they say about it afterwards?
Gabourey Sidibe – Laparoscopic bariatric surgery
Weight loss: 68kg

The Oscar-nominated actress struggled for years to lose weight and after she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, she opted for surgery. Gabourey wrote about the decision in her memoir, This Is Just My Face: Try Not to Stare, explaining that while people thought it was an “easy way out”, she saw it as a tool to help her weight-loss efforts. She explained that she was at war with her body for a long time but now loved herself.
Sharon Osbourne – Gastric bypass surgery: the band
Weight loss: 45kg

Mama Osbourne has always been outspoken about her weight battles and openly talked about her decision to have surgery back in 1999 – only to reverse it seven years later. Even though she lost weight, she said she found herself vomiting too much, which led her to have the band removed. Sharon said that she follows a diet and feels healthier now that she can control her eating habits.