
Then & Now | How luxury travellers dressed in the 1950s and 70s, compared to today – from long-haul flights to cruises

  • Back in the golden days of travel, holiday attire was serious business, and with only two evening jackets required, men had it relatively easy

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More than 600 passengers from the cruise liner Queen Elizabeth II arrive at the KCR railway station in Hung Hom in 1977. Photo: SCMP Archive

Summer in Hong Kong allows a scheduled break from everyday life for many residents and – should one’s circumstances permit – a welcome chance to head somewhere else for a well-earned holiday. Until recent decades, overseas leisure travel was only for the wealthy; while greatly expanded general affluence has made occasional sojourns possible for most families, general trends remain.


Until quite recently, appropriate attire for holiday travel was both usual and expected – and infractions of generally accepted codes of acceptability were frowned upon. Much like dressing for an evening at the theatre or a late night on the tiles, suitable leisure travel outfits had their own time-honoured rules.

Then, travellers dressed smartly; the equivalent of a tracksuit and hoodie simply would not do. These days, air travellers merely check in a couple of suitcases, and then disembark 12 hours or more later on the other side of the world, dazed and tired with jet lag, indigestion and dehydration.

A 1930s airline travel poster. Photo: Getty Images
A 1930s airline travel poster. Photo: Getty Images

But what did one pack back when a flight to Hong Kong from Britain took a week – with daylight flying, nights spent in hotels en route and predawn take-offs at intermediate stops? Clothing for that entire journey had to be carried; as it was generally possible to get washing done on arrival and dried, ironed and repacked before the next departure, only a few changes were required.


For those who periodically journeyed from one side of the world to the other by ocean liner, clothes to be worn on board were carefully planned and purchased well in advance.
