Dry January: could you go without alcohol for a month? It would help you lose weight, look better and save money
- Short-term sobriety promotes weight loss, regulates blood pressure and has a positive effect on cancer-related growth factors
- It also saves you money, lets you enjoy better sleep, improves your skin and gives you more energy to spend the money you’ve saved

Dry January, dryanuary, or love your liver month: they amount to the same thing, a full month with no alcohol.
For the first 31 days of 2021, 6.5 million Britons resolved to say no to alcohol. Almost half had given up by Day 6. One in five Americans made the same vow – driven especially because many were aware how much more they’d been drinking since the beginning of the pandemic – 14 per cent more, according to the Rand Corporation.
So why do we give up so soon? And would we try harder, for longer, if we really knew the benefits of a dry spell?
There are many solid reasons to have a dry January.

You’ll lose the weight you put on over the holidays
Grant Sanders, founder of Hong Kong’s Recovery852 addiction treatment centre, says alcohol consumption can cause weight gain because drinks have high levels of sugar.