Feast or Famine | Fine-dining takeaway meals take off amid Covid-19 dine-in ban – and yes, they cost a bit more
- To pay the bills amid Covid-19 dine-in ban, fine-dining restaurants are offering meals for takeaway and delivery, carefully packaged with serving instructions
- Dearer than regular takeaways, they have found a ready market – Michelin-star Tate Dining’s dinner for two, delivered for HK$1,960, has a one-week waiting list

With Hong Kong still in the midst of its third wave of the coronavirus, businesses of all types continue to pay the price for its closure to tourists, residents’ reluctance to spend as freely as before, and government restrictions of various kinds.
Because of the loss of income arising from these restrictions, restaurants that didn’t previously consider takeaways or food deliveries are now offering them.

Just as you wouldn’t eat out at your favourite expensive restaurant every day, so it is that you aren’t going to order your takeaway dinner from them every night. The work that chefs put into these meals, the thought that goes into what dishes work best for takeaway, the instructions they come up with to explain the optimal way to reheat the food once you get it home, and the packaging they use to best present the food – that all takes time and effort.