Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung’s life at Peking opera school told in movie Painted Faces
1988 Hong Kong film follows Yu Jim-yuen, the master of the Peking opera school in Kowloon whose pupils included Jackie Chan and Sammo Hung

Painted Faces is a dramatised biopic of Yu Jim-yuen, the master of the China Drama Academy, a Peking opera school in Hong Kong attended by actors Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung Kam-bo and Yuen Biao among others.
The Post spoke about the film with expert on Hong Kong cinema Frank Djeng, who provides the commentary for its forthcoming Blu-ray video release by Shout Factory.
Why did Hung decide to get involved in the film? He has often described his treatment at Yu’s Peking opera school as brutal.
He wanted to do it as an homage to his master. A lot of people back then knew the story of Sammo, Jackie Chan and Yuen Biao, but not many knew the story of their master. This was a chance to show that.
Sammo has mentioned in interviews that although Master Yu was a very strict disciplinarian, he loved his students a lot. He was a fatherly figure for them, kind of like their adoptive father.