John Williams taught this video game composer patience. The rest was up to him
For music composer Olivier Deriviere, whose games include Assassin’s Creed IV and South of Midnight, being a gamer gives him an edge

Far from the bleep-driven video game soundtracks of yesteryear, French composer Olivier Deriviere is determined to help craft the audio sensation of a medium he believes is still finding a voice of its own.
Deriviere’s twin passions for music and gaming have driven a career creating music for massive-selling games such as Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed IV, sometimes managing projects equal in scope to a film soundtrack.
“I think we need to get away from the reflex that we need to look at our ‘big brother’ cinema and say that we’re going to do the same thing,” Deriviere says.
“If you compare what video games offer in artistic terms, it’s vast compared to the cinema or theatre.”
Deriviere’s journey with games began very early in life, with the 46-year-old saying he has had consoles ever since he was six years old.