
China pitches belt and road to ‘illiberal’ Hungary as Beijing’s links with Moscow sow suspicion in Europe

  • China’s increasingly close ties to Russia, its hardline on Taiwan and escalating technology disputes with the West are hurting its standing in Europe, experts say
  • Analysts say European attitudes towards the Belt and Road Initiative are no longer as favourable as they once were, and the investment climate is becoming colder

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Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who has been accused of undermining democracy in Hungary, has embraced the belt and road plan as a way of opening new markets in Asia for the country’s exports. Photo: Getty Images

China has urged Hungary to deepen its involvement in the Belt and Road Initiative, but analysts say Beijing’s support for Russia and growing pro-Western sentiment in Europe have soured the continent’s feelings about the global infrastructure programme even if Budapest steps up its commitments.


China’s top diplomat Wang Yi told Hungarian trade and foreign affairs minister Peter Szijjarto in Budapest on Monday that China was ready to “elevate their cooperation on building the belt and road projects to a new level”, the state-backed Xinhua News Agency reported.

Wang had recommended a day earlier to self-styled “illiberal” Prime Minister Viktor Orban that the two countries “further strengthen high-quality cooperation” in belt-and-road work, according to Xinhua.

After Wang’s visit, the foreign minister said he had “high hopes for future cooperation” and called his country a top spot for Chinese investment, which is worth more than US$1 billion annually.


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