Macroscope | Supply chains changing for good is why inflation is here to stay
- So many distractions have taken attention from supply chains that the danger of the world’s vital economic organs collapsing has been concealed from view
- In the absence of voices of reason, political leaders are being led by the nose into recession, possible economic depression or even outright conflict

So many distractions have diverted attention from the supply chain issue – notably the Covid-19 pandemic, US-China tensions, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and so on – that the very real danger of the world’s vital economic organs collapsing and ceasing to function has been concealed from view.
But continuing inflation is a symptom that should be warning us that all is not well with the global economic system. The malaise has gone from being acute to chronic – in the words of medical practitioners – meaning that it is not of a short-term nature but a long-term, perhaps even terminal one.
A crisis is rapidly approaching, brought about in part by the US refusal to accept China as an economic equal or to accept Russia’s position on Ukraine. This will end either in changes of attitude or in mutual destruction.