Inside Out | Lack of global unity on climate and pandemic leave little hope for healing a ‘broken world’
- This week will be replete with headline-grabbing ‘declarations of intent’ that quickly evaporate as political leaders return home to messy political squabbles
- If the dysfunctional response to Covid-19 is any guide, the chances of global cooperation to avert a climate crisis are close to zero

“Covid-19 has exposed a broken world – one in which access to countermeasures depends on ability to pay rather than on need; where governments, leaders and institutions are too often unaccountable to their populations; and in which societies are becoming increasingly fragmented, nationalism is growing and geopolitical tensions are rising,” the 51-page report said.
The glum reality is that this week is likely to be replete with headline-grabbing “declarations of intent” that quickly evaporate as political leaders return home, to the messy reality of their local political squabbles.
If the past two years of evidence on the dysfunctional response to the Covid-19 pandemic provides any guide, the likelihood of the equally important global cooperation needed to avert a climate crisis is close to zero.