Letters | How companies can ensure gender bias doesn’t hold women back
- On International Women’s Day, readers discuss the need to better support women as they move up the career ladder, migrant domestic workers’ efforts to create a more inclusive city, and the Hong Kong government’s baby bonus

Women have many strengths and talents which are not fully tapped into. Overcoming gender bias in the workplace should be a goal for every company.
According to the Women in the Workplace 2023 report by McKinsey & Company and Leanin.Org on women in corporate America and Canada, women are more ambitious today than before the pandemic. Women and men at the director level are equally interested in C-suite roles. Young women are especially ambitious: nine in 10 women under the age of 30 want to be promoted to the next level, and three in four aspire to become senior leaders.
I believe the trend is similar here in Hong Kong and in mainland China. But how can we give more reasonable support to female employees and treat brilliant women fairly when it comes to career advancement?