If John Tsang is angling for Hong Kong’s top job, his budget was right on the money
Alice Wu says the financial secretary’s widely praised budget speech – no mean feat, given the divisive political mood in Hong Kong – is short on vision and ideas, but long on political acumen

READ MORE: John Tsang’s budget aims to heal the political divide in Hong Kong
Tsang performed his political high-wire act superbly. Not only did he put money into boosting the local film industry, he also put in a few good words for Cantonese. At the same time, he distanced himself from the so-called “localists” who have targeted mainland tourists in their protests, condemning their actions as “in fact, not the kind of behaviour that reflects love for Hong Kong”.

That feat in itself is extraordinary, since pan-democrats may be more stingy with praise than Tsang is with the city’s fiscal reserves. They praised him because his budget was “much more Hongkonger-oriented”, compared with his boss’s policy address. Wu Chi-wai, of the Democratic Party, saw the budget as proof that “Tsang is breathing the same air as we”. If Tsang is indeed eyeing the top job, he looks to be playing all his cards right.
Pan-democrats may be more stingy with praise than Tsang is with the city’s fiscal reserves