Charlotte Kwan
Charlotte Kwan
Charlotte Kwan is a journalism student currently pursing a Bachelor of Journalism and double majoring in Marketing at the University of Hong Kong. She is interested in exploring society and culture.

The 24-year-old actress discusses how she got her start on YouTube and why she is excited to be taking the stage in a horror show, ‘Always by Your Side’.


It has five main goals: keeping the world safe, protecting people’s rights, helping those in need, protecting the environment, and making sure countries follow the UN’s rules.


Myers-Briggs Type Indicator categorises people into 16 personality types, but don’t put your complete faith in your result – these can change over time.

Platform’s founders discuss why they are so passionate about educating Hongkongers about the city’s unique elements, from dai pai dong to army green paint.


Adrian Low, a psychologist who specialises in stress research, explains why students might be worried about the new academic year and shares tips on how to cope.

Competition was created and funded by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and aims to promote computational thinking education for primary pupils.

Coral ReefStoration Centre in Ocean Park is nurturing over 120 rescued coral fragments with goal to restore 20 square metres of reefs on Middle Island.

Festival features 11 films from around the world, including ‘Dounia and the Princess of Aleppo’, an animated movie about a young girl from Syria fleeing war, and Norwegian flick ‘Just Super’.


The project asked students to explore their community and interview employees at the area’s oldest shops for a short video to promote cultural understanding.