Last week, the British government released more files on its official encounters with UFOs. As we know, some of the incidents have already been explained, but some have not. We will never know for certain what the truth is, until a UFO lands on the White House lawn - or not.
But there are people who 'believe' in UFOs and have taken that belief one step further and made it a religion.
Since the dawn of time, man has been seeking answers to the big questions - where did we come from, why are we here, why all of this. It is inevitable that some would turn to the idea of life on other planets as an answer.
Here are some of the more well known UFO cults and what they believe:
The Raelians believe, like many UFO believers, that God is an alien. The sect was founded by Frenchman Claude Vorilhon in 1974, and has its headquarters in Paris. It is thought to be the largest UFO religion in the world. The Raelians believe in cloning and claim to have cloned the first human being, a girl named Eve.