Irene Cheng 1904 - 2007
Swedish industrialist Alfred Nobel famously linked being born into money with misfortune and sloth. Irene Cheng, nee Irene Ho Tung, could be considered, at the very least, a glowing repudiation of this statement.
Inherited wealth and a powerful family name were never going to lead Cheng into a comfortable yet dull and unexceptional life.
Cheng was born in 1904 to Eurasian tycoon Sir Robert Ho Tung and his wife, Lady Clara Ho Tung.
There are few names which stand out as greater symbols of money and power in the Hong Kong story than Ho Tung.
Sir Robert was the chief comprador of Jardine Matheson, the most powerful British trading company of the time, and bankrolled Sun Yat-sen's revolution, which led to the establishment of the Republic of China.