Star Ferry standoff as protesters break in to stop pier's demolition
Two dozen protesters were camped inside the cordoned-off former Star Ferry terminal in Central last night demanding a halt to further demolition after a clock face was taken down from the building's tower.
One person was injured when about 20 protesters broke the police barricade and rushed into the building at about 6pm yesterday to join five who had pushed their way in two hours earlier.
A further 20 were outside, continuing a sit-in that has been going on since November 13. The protesters said they would not leave until the government met their demands, which include Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands Michael Suen Ming-yeung discussing the pier's future with the Legislative Council and professionals.
The injured person, newspaper photographer Leung Wai-wan, said he was hit by a security guard. He was sent to Queen Mary Hospital.
The clock face was removed at 3.09 pm after members of the Antiquities Advisory Board decided at a closed-door meeting to endorse the demolition.
But chairman Edward Ho Sing-tin said the board 'strongly demands' that the government reconstruct the clock tower and Queen's Pier on the new Central waterfront.