
Shell orders VLCCs

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SHELL International Marine has reached agreement with Daewoo Corp for Daewoo Shipbuilding and Heavy Machinery in Korea to build five VLCCs (very large crude carriers) according to Shell company spokesman.


The five 280,000-tonne ''state of the art'' VLCCs will meet the latest International Maritime Organisation's standards.

All will have double-hull construction and use little high-tensile steel, the company said.

The vessels will be fitted with a vapour recovery system, a new way to secure ballast tanks, and safety features in the pump room. Almost all of the tankers' operations will be automated, reducing margins for human error.

A spokesman for Shell would not give a figure for the cost of the contract.


Recent tanker disasters, where thousands of tonnes of oil have spilled near coastlines, have focused public attention on oil tanker safety, and led to tough environment protection legislation.
