hichens chow? 15
Everyone is unique. So, the personal appearance of everyone is different. As you know, everyone is represented by their own personal appearance. Appearance is your own image that you give out to other people. For example, a beggar and an actor. What image is given out by them? Which one is more attractive? Which one do you want to know more about? I think the answer must be the actor. So, I think personal appearance is quite important.
sandy rie d'imbruer ? 17
Personal appearance is undeniably significant to what people think of you. It's half the reason why we brush our teeth every day. I am opposed to judgements based on unalterable appearances such as height; however, it's understandable to dislike someone with dirty hair, so I think it's important to look clean and tidy.
kenny wong? 14
I think personal appearance is important because it can show the attitude and politeness of treating people. Therefore, if your personal appearance is good, it represents respect and etiquette to everyone. Otherwise, everyone would have a bad mental image through your bad personal appearance. Also, people would expect that your behaviour is undesirable, too. Thus, I think that having a good personal appearance is really important.