DESIGNERS in Hongkong now have a useful tool in MdN International, an English-language magazine from System Design Ltd. Originally published in Japanese, MdN is the top magazine in Japan for designers using the Macintosh platform.
Spurred by the success of the Japanese edition, MdN International was launched in the territory in June last year.
''Before we started the magazine, we were a service bureau for output services which included design and production work,'' explained Ms Adeline Lee, the magazine's publication director.
''We have been in this business for 25 years and were the first service bureau in Hongkong to offer comprehensive services using the Macintosh - from the initial design stages right up to the pre-press work.'' Building on its strengths in design and production using the Macintosh, the group decided to publish the magazine to ''create more business in the industry and encourage designers'', Ms Lee said.
In essence, the group wanted to inform a wider audience of the capabilities of the Macintosh.
In that, the group had succeeded, said Ms Lee, with the magazine turning up in Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Australia and New Zealand.