RELATIVES of the six Hong Kong people killed when an Aeroflot jet crashed into a mountain with a 15-year-old at the controls are to file a lawsuit against the airline this week, their lawyer said.
The time limitation on filing the suit - two years - will be up this week, as bereaved families mark the second anniversary of the crash, which claimed all 75 lives on board.
Flight SU 593 from Moscow to Hong Kong smashed into a Siberian mountain on March 23, 1994. The crash report confirmed the pilot's son Eldar had been at the controls.
Representing 25 of the victim's families, Nigel Taylor, a London lawyer, said he was confident justice would be done.
'We would very much have liked to see the airline facing their responsibility and settling out of court,' he said.
Although he could not say how much the families hoped to receive in compensation, he said it would have to be above the Warsaw Convention cap of US$20,000 (about HK$154,620).
But the process could take a long time, he said, and the added uncertainty of 1997 could take its toll.