
China's economic recoveryi

This topic charts China's economic recovery as it, in 2023, enters an era of slower growth, along with an ageing and shrinking workforce, weak consumer demand and a property market downturn.


Chinese cities are rushing to dismantle a long-standing housing policy regime designed to keep speculators at bay, a remarkable U-turn that is just the beginning of a new chapter in the nation’s real estate market.

  • Visitors who cannot pre-book through Chinese apps – requiring a WeChat account and ability to read Chinese – are locked out of many attractions
  • While locals may have greater access to museum-hopping and other activities, obstacles may affect China’s soft power abroad as well as tourism, say analysts

Average annual salary of executives at Chinese listed companies last year fell by 3.27 per cent, mirroring broader patterns of stagnating or falling wages amid the sluggish economic recovery.

The date is set for Li Qiang to bring China’s biggest business delegation down under since 2017, and Australian businesses are expected to ‘press their commercial interests’.


Wanda Group founder Wang Jianlin turned to a ‘light-asset’ model in 2017, helping him avoid the same fate as Hui Ka Yan, the embattled founder of indebted real estate developer Evergrande Group.


Four industrial sectors have been singled out – steel, petrochemicals, non-ferrous metals, and building materials – with new capacity strictly prohibited or restricted in certain subsectors.


Analysts say China needs to mobilise venture capital and resources, while reducing reliance on foreign venture capital, having fallen further behind the US in terms of the number of start-ups valued at more than US$1 billion.


The International Monetary Fund points to China’s strong first-quarter numbers and property sector moves as the updated economic-growth estimate is brought in line with the government’s target.

Chinese researchers believe focus needs to be placed on China’s position in the Asian supply chain, as well as Hong Kong’s role in raising offshore capital, amid its dwindling foreign direct investment.

‘Think of it as a Chinese version of the Marshall Plan in the green economy era,’ but beware of backlash, says a member of the central bank’s Monetary Policy Committee.

During a meeting of China’s Politburo, plans are reviewed for ensuring accountability and propriety among officials carrying out the country’s campaign against financial risk.

Mainland China’s commercial and financial hub will relax home purchase restrictions and grant subsidies to people buying new flats in a move designed to breathe life back into the city’s real estate sector.


With China’s job market in a period of contraction and uncertainty, the country’s internet users have crafted a set of terms to relieve the pressures of work – or not working – through wit and humour.


As the first batches of a trillion-yuan offering of ultra-long-term special government bonds came roaring out of the gate this week, those bearish on China’s economic outlook triggered a feeding frenzy.


Chinese President Xi Jinping met with business leaders, overseas investors and economists on Thursday, with analysts pointing to the timing of the meeting ahead of the key third plenum.

The People’s Bank of China keeps a running tab of big policy moves, and it shows that trillions of yuan worth of support measures have been rolled out since 2021.

China is seeking to defuse financial risks, with asset management companies expected to help other ailing sectors, particularly property developers, but the firms are already highly leveraged due to bond financing and exposure to the troubled real estate sector.


Prospective homebuyers are visiting showrooms in droves while transactions have revived, according to agents, soon after Beijing unveiled its most aggressive measures to revive the housing market.


China’s central bank is set to participate in treasury-bond trading in the secondary market, and a prominent researcher affiliated with the Ministry of Finance says purchases in the primary market should also be made.

Students with overseas undergraduate degrees in China earn an average first monthly salary about 2,700 yuan (US$374) below their expected income, according to a survey.


The tsunami of new-energy manufacturing flooding the industry is not the first time a wave of Chinese goods has forced institutional upheavals and left foreign firms with little room to compete.

By allowing local governments and state-owned enterprises to buy unsold land and housing from distressed developers, China is betting a property slump weighing down the economy can be stopped once and for all.


Consumer and entrepreneur confidence should ‘continue to pick up from this point’ as Beijing’s efforts strengthen the capital markets and enhance Hong Kong’s connector role, say speakers at the Greater China Private Equity Summit.

Economist Richard Koo’s theories influenced Western policy decisions after the global financial crisis, and now he has strong words for Chinese policymakers on the need for fiscal stimulus to ward off a ‘balance-sheet recession’.
