Can the ‘internet of things’ help stimulate growth in Hong Kong?
The Hong Kong government is urging industries to expedite their adoption of so-called internet of things (IoT) solutions, which could push forward more digital business initiatives in the city.
That effort, however, may prove to be vastly complicated because of the different proprietary technologies used in IoT deployments around the world.
IoT represents a super network of networks, consisting of internet-linked devices embedded in everyday objects that gather, send and receive data for analysis.
“What the government is most interested in is putting IoT applications to popular use by the community, and stimulating further development of industries and our economy,” Nicholas Yang Wei-hsiung, the Secretary for Innovation and Technology, said at the Hong Kong IoT Conference on Wednesday.
“Over the years, the government has been using IoT sensors to improve public services. For example, we deploy sensors at strategic routes to collect real-time traffic data, in manholes of city storm drains to detect water levels, and inside the slopes to detect impending landslides.”
Yang pointed out that a consultancy study commissioned by the government is set to formulate a “smart city” blueprint for Hong Kong, which includes coordinating IoT solutions. This study will be completed by the end of this month.