Chinese celeb Angelababy's investment fund goes on shopping spree for e-commerce site, juice-diet brand

Chinese actress and model “Angelababy” Yang Ying made the first two investments using her venture capital fund AB Capital on Wednesday. She set the fund up this week.
The Shanghai-born actress, who is set to appear next year in the Hollywood blockbuster Independence Day 2, snapped up shares in Chinese overseas purchasing e-commerce site Ymatou and beverage brand HeyJuice, according to the two companies’ official blogs on Chinese microblogging site Sina Weibo.
The size of the investments was not publicly disclosed.
Yang, famous for her pretty face and stylish wardrobe choices, will take up a new role as product manager of Ymatou’s mobile app, the company posted on Weibo. A quick glimpse of the app suggests she will help promote overseas fashion and online purchasing.
Cashing in on her celebrity status, Yang intends to focus mainly on female lifestyle start-ups, according to AB Capital.