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Baskin-Robbins opens AI lab in Seoul to develop ‘innovative’ ice cream flavours

The Korea Times
4 Mar, 2024
  • The ice cream company is using ChatGPT to visualise new recipes
What flavours are you dreaming to try? Photo: Instagram/BaskinRobbinsKorea
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Artificial intelligence is now making an impact on the food we eat.

Why this news matters

Artificial intelligence is now making an impact on the food we eat.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) in South Korea is whipping up new ice cream flavours.

In Seoul, the ice cream company Baskin-Robbins recently opened a shop that is also a research lab. It tests new flavours and then introduces them to customers.

Their new store uses ChatGPT, an AI chatbot, to visualise new recipes. The company said they would introduce a new “deep flavour” each month, created by AI.

The shop’s exclusive flavours include Wasabi, Creme Brulee, Green Tea Orange Jasmine, and Green Tea Earl Grey. To create the best new flavours, the AI software analysed data from 23 million Baskin-Robbins customers.

The company is also planning on introducing a new programme where employees give visitors a tour and then recommend ice cream flavours based on the customers’ interests.

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