‘Affluenza teen’ Ethan Couch, ‘so rich he didn’t know right from wrong’ when he killed four in drunken crash, is to be freed
Ethan Couch, the rich teen who killed four people when he drunkenly ploughed into them, only it to be blamed on “affluenza” - a imaginary illness that makes wealthy people unable to tell right from wrong - is to be released.
Couch, now 20, will have a strict curfew and must wear an alcohol monitoring patch once he allowed out from jail in Tarrant County, Texas, on April 2, court documents show.
Tarrant County District Court Judge Wayne Salvant signed the documents on Wednesday morning listing the four conditions of Couch’s community supervision.
Couch became known as the “affluenza” teen after a witness at his original trial used the term to explain that he didn’t know right from wrong as a result of his wealthy upbringing.
On June 15, 2013, Couch and passengers in his Ford F-350 pickup were speeding down Burleson-Retta Road when he crashed into a group of people trying to help a stranded motorist. He was later convicted in Juvenile Court and was ordered not to consume alcohol.
But in December 2015, a video surfaced showing a person who appeared to be Couch at a drinking party. After the video surfaced, he did not respond or appear for a scheduled hearing with his probation officer.