Venezuelan military says attack on army base by deserter and mercenaries has been repelled, leaving two dead
A former army lieutenant was allegedly behind the attack, which a man in uniform in a YouTube video described as a rebellion

Venezuela’s military said on Sunday it repelled a “terrorist” attack on a base in the city of Valencia, led by an army deserter allegedly linked to “foreign governments.”
Two of the attackers were killed and eight were captured, President Nicolas Maduro said on state television, claiming the group of “mercenaries” – whose total number he put at around 20 – had ties to Colombia and the United States.
Officials insisted afterward that all was normal across the country.
Still, the incident heightened fears that Venezuela’s deepening political and economic crisis could explode into greater violence.

Locals said a nighttime curfew had been imposed, as flaming barricades set up in the street by anti-government protesters spewed black smoke.