Crackdown by Hong Kong customs nets illegal cigarettes worth HK$57 million
Customs officers made this year’s largest seizure of contraband in the city on Tuesday, with an estimated value of HK$7.3 million

Contraband cigarettes worth more than HK$57 million have been confiscated by Hong Kong Customs in 12 cases of tobacco smuggling from the mainland so far this year, a customs official said on Wednesday.
Details were revealed by assistant superintendent Lau Yuk-lung ,who heads the Customs division investigating illicit cigarettes, after customs officers made this year’s largest seizure of contraband in the city on Tuesday.
The HK$7.3 million haul was discovered when officers intercepted a Hong Kong-bound container truck at Man Kam To Immigration Control Point. The import document claimed it carried more than 800 cartons of assorted goods such as metalware and clothes.
“When the container was opened for inspection, illicit cigarettes were found stashed in 160 cartons,” the assistant superintendent said.
He said initial investigations showed the consignment was intended for local consumption.
The Hong Kong driver, 28, was arrested and the truck was impounded. The driver was released on bail pending further investigations.