Theory into reality: Hong Kong researchers devise five-minute optical test for stroke risk
Chinese University holds Entrepreneur Day to encourage a culture of developing new ideas
A five-minute check in an optical store with a camera that photographs the back of the eye will soon be available to assess customers for stroke risk.
The technology has been developed at Chinese University as part of its initiative to apply research knowledge to daily life.
Images from a fundus camera, a device commonly used by optometrists, is used to analyse the condition of blood vessels and other structures in the eyes.
The technology was invented in 2012 and will be extended by a start-up firm supported by the university for wider use in up to 20 branches in an optical chain in the coming two months.
“People now have to wait a long time to receive check-ups in hospitals or clinics. Who wants that? We need places that are convenient,” said Professor Benny Zee Chung-ying, head of the university’s biostatistics division, who led the project’s development.