Oozing with machismo? Hongkongers rate city’s gents as the ‘manliest in Asia’ in new survey
Hong Kong may as well be the macho capital of Asia – or at least, the city’s residents believe so – according to a new online survey rating the sex appeal of men across Asia.

Hong Kong may as well be the macho capital of Asia – or at least, the city’s residents believe so – according to a new online survey rating the sex appeal of men across Asia.
Pitted against India, Japan, mainland China and others, Hong Kong came out on top with a score of 6.13 out of 10 for manliness, based on the survey conducted by Hong Kong Baptist University and commissioned by lighter company Zippo.
More than 1,000 Hong Kong men and women aged 18 to 35 took part in the survey from June to July. The results, which plotted on a chart was shaped like a bell curve, were released on Tuesday.
The score accounted for male respondents’ high opinion of hunkiness in the city – however, the score dropped to 5.72 out of 10 if female responses only were counted.
Taiwanese men are considered the second most macho, followed by South Koreans. The Japanese came in fourth, followed by Singaporeans, mainland Chinese, Thais, Indians and Malaysians.
However, the results should be taken with a grain of salt as it does not take into account perspectives across the region.
WATCH: Trailer for Unbeatable, whose lead was rated the 'manliest fictional character'