Plug pulled on IT beauty contest in Hong Kong amid sexism storm
Showcase for ‘outstanding women’ in the sector required contestants to detail their vital statistics and provide photographs

The organiser insists the idea of an IT beauty pageant was to showcase “outstanding women” in the profession, but a closer look at the application form reveals a greater emphasis on their vital statistics than vital tech skills.
Contestants also had to supply photographs and be willing to appear in “designated clothes”.
A furious backlash at the “sexist” contest has forced the Hong Kong Information Technology Joint Council to beat a hasty retreat and scrap the event.
The council started taking applications from Monday for its “Hong Kong IT Goddess Pageant 2016”, stating on its website that the aim was to attract more women into the sector and show it was not just dominated by men.

The fine print in the application form also stated that the council had the right to request contestants to wear “designated clothes” for the competition.