Pricing formula for Hong Kong’s government-subsidised flats up for review, city leader says
Carrie Lam tells lawmakers goal is to boost affordability for greater number of aspiring homeowners amid latest application rush in scheme
The pricing formula for government-subsidised flats may be reviewed to make them more affordable for a greater number of aspiring homeowners, according to Hong Kong’s chief executive.
The application deadline for the flats at the three developments in Cheung Sha Wan, Kai Tak and Tung Chung closed at 7pm on Wednesday.
Lam, who has pledged to boost home ownership and improve living standards, said her administration would be willing to look into “unpegging” the prices of government-subsidised flats, including those under the HOS, from market rates.
The top official also noted a Legco panel passed a motion earlier in the week to set HOS prices at construction costs.