Taiwanese groups press for passage of asylum bill to help Hong Kong activists
Taiwanese activists have vowed to speed up deliberations on a bill that would offer political asylum to any Hongkongers persecuted because of their fight for democracy.

Taiwanese activists helping the Occupy Central movement have vowed to push the island's legislature to speed up deliberations on a bill that would offer political asylum to any Hongkongers persecuted because of their fight for democracy.
The bill stood a good chance of being passed by the island's legislature this year, said Yang Sen-hong, president of the Taiwan Association for China Human Rights.
Yang said civic groups in Taiwan would team up to lobby ruling Kuomintang legislators not to block the motion.
The island's Mainland Affairs Council, which oversees cross-strait and Hong Kong affairs, yesterday confirmed that Taiwan's cabinet had approved the asylum bill. It is now awaiting review and approval by the legislature.
The asylum bill was first proposed in 2009.
The main opposition party later amended it to make it easier for political refugees to seek asylum in Taiwan.
The activists also called on Hong Kong protesters not to lose heart even as support for the civil disobedience movement appeared to be waning.