'Tell the truth': Libyan dissident’s daughter abducted from Hong Kong aged 12 urges CIA to come clean
Daughter of Libyan dissident abducted with family from Hong Kong to Tripoli calls on CIA to ‘tell the truth’ about rendition

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The daughter of a Libyan dissident who was abducted along with her whole family in Hong Kong in 2004 and flown to Tripoli with the help of US and British intelligence has called on the CIA to "tell the truth" about the agency's involvement.
"I know about the chains and the needle because Sami al-Saadi – a long time political opponent of Colonel Gaddafi – is my father and I saw him in that state," Saadi wrote.
"We were taken off the plane and bundled into cars. Hoods were pulled over my parents' heads. Libyans forced my mother, sister and I into one car, my brothers and father another. The convoy drove to a secret prison outside Tripoli, where I was certain we were all going to be executed."
Though Saadi and her mother and siblings were released after a short time, her father spent six years in prison, during which time he says he was beaten, given electric shocks and repeatedly threatened with execution.