A couple from Xian tied the knot 400m above the city in a helicopter. Photo: Weibo

Couple broadcast wedding from helicopter over central Chinese city

A young couple exchanged their marriage vows high above the central Chinese city of Xian in a helicopter they rented for 60,000 yuan (HK$75,000), Chinese Business reports.

On Friday morning, nine luxury cars including BMWs and Porsches, parked at a lakeside hotel as an ensemble of violins and cellos played chamber music while an a camera drone hovered in the sky.

A red helicopter carrying the couple took off at 11:30am while a moderator reminded ladies at the site to take care of their skirts to avoid a Marilyn Monroe-type embarrassment caused by the turbulence.

The bride and groom’s vows were broadcast as their helicopter rose to the height of 1,314 feet (400 metres), reads in Chinese like “yi sheng yi shi”, which means “love for life”.

The whole ceremony may have cost more than 200,000 yuan, the paper said, citing people familiar with the situation.

The couple, two extreme-sports lovers, designed the ceremony on their own. Since graduating from university, they have launched a number of businesses in tourism, extreme sports and media. They also own several coffee and flower shops.

More young people in China are choosing unconventional wedding, including under water in scuba gear or while riding bicycles, buses or horses.
